Patty! Articles

What are you waiting (wanting) for?

Defining Thoughts Feelings and Beliefs

By pattyshea | April 19, 2024

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a straightforward process for getting all the things you want? There is! It’s my three-step methodology – Step 1) thoughts, plus Step 2) feelings (emotions) = Step 3) beliefs.

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Positive Affirmations Thoughts Feelings Beliefs

Positive Affirmations -Thoughts, Feelings and Beliefs

By pattyshea | April 15, 2024

If you have a positive affirmation you have been working with but the outcome you desire has not occurred, try adding the equation of thoughts + feelings = beliefs.

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Change Your Thoughts, Feelings and Beliefs – Change the Outcome

Change Your Thoughts Feelings and Beliefs Change the Outcome

By pattyshea | April 11, 2024

If you have a situation or a conversation you are feeling anxious about or are worrying about to some degree, dissect your current thoughts, feelings, and beliefs and determine a different, more positive outcome.

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Tuning into Your Feelings

Tuning into Your Feelings (Emotions) – Awareness

By pattyshea | March 29, 2024

We all go through periods of wishing and wondering. It’s part of the balance required for the ying and yang; the easy and not so easy; the highs and lows and the struggles and triumphs, etc. Only by experiencing both the positives and negatives are we able to grow and expand ourselves on our path to being our full and best self.

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